New Mind

New Mind

Jesus came to live His life through you. He does this through His Holy Spirit in you. He had to die and go back to heaven so that he could send His Holy Spirit to dwell in you. Imagine the potential within you when you realize that the Creator of the world lives in you. This revelation will blow your mind and still your heart. Your mind wants to control everything but the Holy Spirit works through your heart. He resides in your heart and thinks through your heart. When you begin to think through your heart then you are closer to the heart of God. Your mind is fleshly and thinks only of itself and its needs. Your heart is broad and large and embraces more than you. It extends itself because it is able to fathom the depths of eternity. Your mind is finite because it is limited by your brain. 


Your heart has no limits because it thinks like God. Now you can fly and swim and dance because you are free from the encumbrances of your mind. Your limited mind cannot fathom the mind of God. The Holy Spirit knows the mind of God. Switch into His mind by operating in the knowledge of His Spirit and fly. Yes, to fly is to be above all the limitations of your mind. It is to soar like an eagle. Thank you, Lord, for your Holy Spirit. I acknowledge your presence in me and now I will operate in your mind and see the barriers pushed back. Hallelujah, here I come world, to overcome all barriers and see the impossible become possible.

This switch from the earthly to the heavenly is what makes the difference between a heavenly mindset and an earthly mindset. Let us make the switch today by acknowledging Jesus as Lord and walk in the Holy Spirit.

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