In The Spirit Our Eyes Are Opened To See

In the Spirit, we are ushered into a different dimension. When we were born again our eyes were opened to see into the Spirit realm. Before this, we were dead to the spirit world. We were operating in our soul realm and controlled by the god of this world, Satan. The realm of the Spirit is real and we only come to discern when we are born again. Before this, we are manipulated into the demonic realm and confused by all that we see and hear. God redeemed us in the spirit and now we can see. We were once blind but now we see. Spiritual blindness is a worse condition than physical blindness. 

Spirit realm

To see in the Spirit is to walk in reality. The real you is your spirit. What you see in the flesh is a body that will one day die. The real you lives on into eternity. This revelation should urge you to seek for truth in the spirit realm. Few can comprehend this and therefore continue to operate in darkness. No wonder we see so much confusion even in the church! One can operate in the spirit or in the soul. The devil has access to our soul but not to our spirit. He can influence our thoughts and our feelings. This is why we see so much destruction in society. The devil’s main mission is to steal, kill, and destroy. God’s mission is to save and give life and that abundant.

It is time that the church enters into the Spirit realm and operates in the Spirit and not the soul. The church needs to step up and be the head and not the tail. Today what we see is how the world has influenced the church to conform to its agenda. We therefore collude with the world to destroy it. God have mercy on us. We need to repent and begin to operate in the reality of the Spirit and be what God called us to be. This is the only way this world can be saved from self-destruction.

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